SEO Training

7th December, 2023

13 Free SEO AI Tools: Boost Your Website’s Performance in 2023

13 Free SEO AI Tools: Boost Your Website’s Performance in 2023

Do you want to increase the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website but lack the funds to buy pricey tools? Don’t worry; by utilizing a variety of free SEO AI tools that are available to you, you may improve the performance of your website without spending a fortune. The top free SEO AI tools that can help you optimize your website, increase organic traffic, and strengthen your online presence are covered in this post.

Introduction to Free SEO AI Tools:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are used by SEO AI tools to analyse websites, find areas for optimization, and offer useful information. Website owners, marketers, and SEO experts can utilise these tools as a resource when making decisions to boost their website’s exposure and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Google Search Console: Your SEO Companion:

First up is Google Search Console, a free and effective SEO tool provided by Google. It enables you to keep tabs on the functionality of your website, upload sitemaps, spot crawling issues, and enhance its search engine exposure. You can follow the indexing progress of your website, look at the keywords generating organic traffic, and find areas for improvement with Google Search Console.

Google Search Console -

Yoast SEO: Easy Content Optimization

As we go onto our second tool, Yoast SEO is a well-liked WordPress plugin that makes the process of content optimization simple. It offers immediate recommendations for raising the readability, keyword density, meta-tag effectiveness, and overall SEO score of your material. Yoast SEO also enables you to create XML sitemaps, include social media metadata, and improve the on-page SEO components of your website.

Yoast SEO_ the #1 WordPress SEO Plugin • Yoast -

The Moz Keyword Explorer: Find Useful Keywords

Introducing Moz Keyword Explorer, our third product, which enables you to find profitable keywords and assess their search volume, difficulty, and prospective ranking chances. You can find long-tail keywords, comprehend their search intent, and prioritize your content development efforts by using Moz Keyword Explorer’s straightforward UI and extensive statistics.

Moz - MozBar [Extension] -

SEMrush: Competitive Analysis at Your Fingertips

SEMrush, the fourth tool on our list, is a flexible SEO tool that provides a variety of functions to improve the functionality of your website. You may use it to research keywords, analyze backlinks, track ranks, audit the SEO health of your website, and analyze competitors. SEMrush offers insightful data to help you improve your link profile, optimize your content, and keep up with the competition.


Semrush - Online Marketing Can Be Easy -

AnswerThePublic: Learn What People Are Asking

An excellent resource for understanding the queries people have about your keywords or themes is AnswerThePublic. You may produce content that directly responds to the needs and worries of your target audience by answering these questions. AnswerThePublic offers visual representations of the most frequently asked questions, giving you the opportunity to learn more and adjust your content strategy.

Search listening tool for market, customer & content research - AnswerT_ -

Ubersuggest: Expand Your Keyword Opportunities

Ubersuggest is a thorough keyword research tool that can help you increase the keyword opportunities available to you. It allows you to look for fresh keyword suggestions, assess keyword difficulty, and spot patterns in search volume. The tool equips you to optimise the content on your website and draw in more organic visitors by giving you useful information about search intent, associated keywords, and content suggestions.

Ubersuggest_ Free Keyword Research Tool - Neil Patel -

Screaming Frog: Spider-like Website Crawling

With the help of the effective website crawling tool Screaming Frog, you can analyse the structure of your website, spot any technical problems, and improve your on-page SEO components. Screaming Frog analyses your website like a spider to find broken links, duplicate content, meta tag problems, and other SEO-related issues. It enables you to make sure that search engines can access and comprehend your website with ease.

SEO Agency - Screaming Frog -

Google Analytics: Explore Website Analytics in-depth

Each and every website owner and marketer needs Google Analytics. It offers a wealth of information about the success of your website, including information on user behaviors’, traffic sources, conversion rates, and more. In order to better understand your audience, keep track of the results of your SEO efforts, and make data-driven decisions, you can improve the performance of your website by studying the data provided by Google Analytics.

Analytics Tools & Solutions for Your Business - Google Analytics_ -

Check Your Backlinks With Ahrefs Backlink Checker

Ahrefs Backlink Checker enables you to track and examine the backlink profile of your website. Backlinks are essential for SEO. You can use this tool to determine which of your backlinks are the most useful, examine the backlink profiles of your competitors, and find fresh prospects for link-building. For your website to gain authority and rank higher in search engine results, it is crucial to monitor and maintain a healthy backlink profile.

Free Backlink Checker by Ahrefs_ Check Backlinks to Any Site -

Copyscape: Ensure Original Content Free of Plagiarism

A plagiarism detection programme called Copyscape makes sure that your writing is original and free of copying. It offers the necessary safeguards to protect your intellectual property and enables you to determine whether any other websites have duplicated your content. You can protect the integrity of your material, establish trust with search engines, and avert any potential fines for duplicate content by using Copyscape.

Copyscape Plagiarism Checker - Duplicate Content Detection Software_ -

Analysis and Website Speed Optimisation with GTmetrix

When it comes to user experience and SEO, website speed is crucial. A tool called GTmetrix analyses the speed at which your website loads, finds performance bottlenecks, and makes optimization suggestions. You may increase customer satisfaction, lower bounce rates, and boost your website’s rankings on search engine results pages by speeding up your website.

GTmetrix - Website Performance Testing and Monitoring -

MozBar: Mobile SEO Insights

While you explore the internet, MozBar is a browser extension that offers immediate SEO information. It allows you to quickly evaluate the SEO potential of any webpage by displaying useful indicators like domain authority, page authority, and keyword difficulty. In addition, MozBar offers on-page element analysis, emphasizing header tags, meta descriptions, and title tags. It’s a useful tool for quick SEO analysis and research.

Moz - MozBar [Extension] -

Track Your Keyword Rankings with SERP Robot

You may monitor your keyword ranks on search engine results pages with the programme SERP Robot. You can evaluate the results of your SEO efforts, spot opportunities for development, and make the required changes to your optimization tactics by keeping an eye on your keyword placements. You may stay updated about the performance of your website in search engine rankings with the help of SERP Robot, which offers useful data and insights.

Free SERP checker - google ranking check - -


In conclusion, enhancing your website’s visibility and drawing in organic traffic require search engine optimization. There are a number of free SEO AI tools available that can help you improve the performance of your website without expense, even though investing in commercial SEO solutions can give you access to additional features and insights. These tools offer useful features for keyword research, content optimization, competitor analysis, and more, ranging from Google Search Console and Yoast SEO to Moz Keyword Explorer and AnswerThePublic.

These free SEO AI tools make use of AI and machine learning to deliver actionable insights that will assist you in making wise decisions and efficiently optimizing’s your website. Utilize these tools’ features and use them into your SEO plan to improve your website’s ranks, get more organic traffic, and establish a stronger online presence.


1. Are these free SEO AI technologies appropriate for novices?

Absolutely! These free SEO AI tools are created to be accessible to users of all skill levels and user-friendly. They are appropriate for beginners who are new to SEO because they offer user-friendly interfaces and detailed instructions.

2. Can my SEO efforts be entirely based on free SEO AI tools?

Free SEO AI tools provide insightful functionality, but it’s advised to use them in conjunction with other SEO tactics and methods. Although the paid tools are frequently more feature-rich and offer more detailed data, you may utilize the free tools described in this article as a good starting point for your SEO campaigns.

3. Does using free SEO AI tools have any restrictions?

In comparison to their premium equivalents, free SEO AI tools could have some restrictions. These limits may include restricted use of particular functionality, constrained data accessibility, and sporadic usage limitations. Free tools can still be quite useful for individuals with simple SEO needs, though.

4. How often ought I to employ these SEO AI tools?

How frequently you utilize these tools will depend on the needs of your website and the nature of your SEO efforts. It is advised to utilize them frequently to track keyword ranks, keep track of your website’s performance, and find areas for optimizations. However, depending on your unique goals and priorities, the precise frequency may change.

5. Are there any issues with privacy when utilizing these tools?

It’s crucial to read the privacy policies of these free SEO AI tools and be aware of the information they gather. Although user privacy and data security are given first priority by the majority of reliable tools, it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the terms of service and make sure you’re following all applicable laws.